Sunday, March 8, 2009

SQIP "Marketing" website 4U2 use

Hey fellow SQIP-meister…

Sqip is “very” close to launching. Looks like this coming week.

So, you can simply use their services, and/or begin to get as
many people as you can to go get their 100 “free” shares, and
start earning money and more shares and dividends, fast.

I also interviewed the CEO of SQIP. I HIGHLY encourage
you to listen to all 38 minutes. It’s on the marketing page I
built for you to use. Listen today, it’s extremely insightful.

Send prospects here: and it refers
them back to you. (Don’t worry, there’s no cost)

Nick Hetcher
Like you, an independent Sqipmeister

P.S. In a month now, I have personally signed up 272 people,
making my 5 level team well over 1,000, and growing very fast.
As you will learn, INCOME from SQIPCOM is tied into “members”
and who can’t GIVE AWAY 100 FREE SHARES of SQIP??
You don’t even have to buy ANYTHING or QUALIFY to get
ALL commissions earned!!

YOU can make great things happen, too. My 114 page
prospecting manual, “Over 250 Ways to Find New Prospects,”
will help you. There’s no cost. Here’s the direct link:

No Income Guaranteed of course. So please do NOT
expect to do nothing and make money. That’s why we’re
giving you tools to help you build a business from home. :~)