Sunday, March 8, 2009

Over "250 Ways" to Find New SQIPCOM Members...


I know what it's like to try and find new prospects for any home-based business.

It can be tough, unless you know what to do and where to look for them. It can also be expensive, but doesn't have to be.

So, I wrote a 114 page "prospecting" manual called, "Over 250 Ways to Find New Prospects."

In it you'll find old school and new school (social networking/web 2.0) ways to find "new blood" for your business. It works for any home-based or small business but is especially effective (if you actually use some of these methods), with the SQIP business model since it's not that hard to give-away 100 FREE Shares of this incredible company.

Here's the "direct" link to my (NO COST) manual that you can read online.

Happy Prospecting!!

Nick Hetcher (don't send spam, please)