Monday, May 11, 2009

SIZZLE Audio "Overview" of SQIP

Short 2 minute version.
Download available at the main SQIP website.

New Audio "Overview" of the SQIP Business Opportunity

10 minute (detailed) version.
Download available at the main SQIP website.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

NEW > (Earn Commissions 10 Levels Deep)


SQIP is now paying a 5% commission 10 levels deep.
This replaces the old (before their "launch") pay plan
of 10% on 5 levels.

I think this is a better compensation plan, especially
for those who actually "work" SQIP like a business,
even if just part-time as most will.

And remember, we still earn cash dividends on the
"ENTIRE" membership (even on those who
joined before us. The more PEPs you have, the
more your cash dividends are worth.

We do NOT have to sell anything or qualify in any
way to earn commissions and dividends. This alone
makes SQIP a "no-brainer" home-based business
that virtually every entrepreneur should be involved

See the SQIP Compensation Plan movie (or audio)
and Member Reward Program page for more details.


CLICK HERE to watch the...
SQIP "Compensation Plan" movie.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Online Power Business Building > "System"

Check this out...A Very Powerful Online "System" to help Explode your business.

Really a "must" try. Got $7?


Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Listen to SQIP's exciting new 10 level, unlimited width
Compensation Plan. Learn how you can also earn from
EVERY other member in SQIP, too.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Some information on "Towah"

Here’s some info on Towah that should be helpful.

Towah is free to join. Doing a bank wire to any bank has a
standard flat rate fee of 15 Euros. The receiving bank may
or may not add a charge depending it’s own fee policy, if it
is the beneficiaries own account, if it is a personal or
business account, if the transfer went through an intermediary
bank….and so on.

The easiest way is for members to simply ask their receiving
bank what charges if any they apply to wires coming from Europe.

Members can move money around within Towah for free…but at
some point some one will have to pay fees along the way to get
that money out.

Now, you can actually load the MasterCard from within Towah
for free….but if you use the card to withdraw cash then you pay
a small % fee. There is simply no getting around the fee thing.

Any company involved in moving money around has a business
model that charges fees to the user for the privilege of using the

Information on Towah Group

Towah Board of Directors

You can also contact the Financial Services Authority (FSA) in
the UK to verify that Towah is in fact registered and regulated
by them. The FSA is a government body that regulates all
financial companies in the UK.


The goal is to be earning enough so that the fees become
meaningless and irrelevant.

Remember, you (anyone) can use the many services in SQIP
for FREE and never have to get involved in the business model
aspect if you (they) don’t want to. That’s an option.


Disclaimer: No income is guaranteed ( just covering my butt :~)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Places to Advertise Sqipcom

Note: Remember the rules....Never spend more on advertising than you can afford to lose, and ALWAYS TEST before spending much on your Sqipcom advertising.

Websites to place your Reviews and Articles

Popular Ezines
Work At Home News
Ads Market Biz
Super Promo
Nova News
Admistress Advertising
Village Of Tidbits
Xtreme Marketing Tips
Getresponse Smart Ads
Rim Digest
Cash From Home
The Guru Marketer
BizWeb E-Gazette
DEMC E-Magazine
Web Marketing Today
The Affiliate Review
2 Bucks An Ad
Sendfree Advertising
The Millenia
Online Exchange
Straight Talkers
Biz Site Biz
BizSiteBiz Ezine
Super Promo
Pro Biz Tips
Directory of Ezines

Advertising Exchanges and Forums

The Lead Club: Get 60,000 fresh, verified leads per month – to promote your Organo Gold business. Includes 1,000 Guaranteed Full Page Views Every Month. For complete details, go to:

The Free Ad Forum: The Free Ad Forum: Post your free permanent ads and articles to over 70,000 internet marketers for free daily on TheFreeAd Over 1000 members join each week. Your link will not be rotated off. Free advertising for your website. Also, meet other marketers and exchange ideas. Post your free ad for your business online now at:

Free Advertising Exchange: Get maximum exposure and highly targeted visitors by placing ads with pictures and links in anyone of our categorized and subcategorized directories.

Pay Per Click Advertising:
Google Ad Words Yahoo Search Marketing MSN Ad Center Adbrite Quigo GoClick 7Search

The above gives you a great starting place. As you can imagine, there are many more FREE and PAID Advertising places online. You just need to go find them. Be careful.

SQIP "Income" Sources

I took this information from the Sqipcom website in early March, 2009...

Below is a list of income streams that you will share in either immediately when the portal goes live or within a short time.

Detailed info on each income stream will be available in the portal when that income stream is activate Several income streams have multiple sub categories that are not listed here.

C/D > beside each listing indicates whether that income stream pays commission or dividends.

Commission is paid every Friday to affiliates. Commission is paid from sales from within your network 5 levels deep.

Dividends are paid every month. Dividends are allocated from the remaining profits after affiliate commission has been paid.

Dividends are paid on a per PEP basis. If you have 100 PEPs when we announce a dividend of 42 cents for a one month period, you would be paid 42 Euros. If you have 1000 PEPs you would be paid 420 Euros. If you have 10,000 PEPs you would be paid 4200 Euros. If you have 100,000 PEPs you would be paid 42,000 Euros...and so on. (No guarantee of income, example only)

The more PEPs you own, the more cash dividends you will get paid.

From every Euro in sales; 50 cents is paid out to the affiliate network. The remaining 50 cents is paid to the Stakeholders every month on a per PEP basis.

There are a limited amount of PEPs available in Sqip. When these are gone we will not allocate any more new PEPs.

And remember; you never need to upgrade, subscribe or buy anything in Sqip before you get ALL the commissions from your network sales. When we say there are NO OBLIGATIONS ...we mean NO OBLIGATIONS...EVER!!!

C = Affiliate commission. D = Stakeholder dividends.


Flat rate international landline and mobile/cell to mobile/cell calls C/D
Multi-user conferencing upgrades with real time collaboration C/D
Virtual office space upgrades with work together tools C/D
Webinar/Presentation space with real time broadcasting C/D
On demand mass broadcasting of video/audio C/D
Live chat room capacity upgrades C/D
Ecommerce rooms upgrades C/D
Multi media livewire upgrades C/D
Advertising on the Sqip search engines: contextual ads D
Advertising across the Internet? Contextual & banner ads D
Advertising on the Sqip Portal sites: Prime ads/contextual & banners D
Advertising ‘post roll’ video sharing D
Audio advertising ‘pre selection’ of radio stations D
Featured video listings on multiple sites C/D
Back office featured listings C/D
Market Place income includes:
Featured listing D
Highlighted listing D
Bold listing D
Repeated listing D
Product Videos D
Additional product catalogue listing D
Sales Commission D
Sqip Auctions income streams include:
Featured listing D
Highlighted listing D
Bold listing D
Repeated listings D
Additional image uploads D
Single auction commission D
Fixed auction commission D
Dutch auction commission D
Lots auction commission D
Sqip Mega Mall with thousands of products D
Special offers from partners' products/services: D
Professional Auto responder C/D
Email upgrades C/D
Additional archive/storage space C/D
File sharing upgrades C/D
Green lotto C/D
Towah revenue share D
MasterCard fees D

Many more are in development producing over 80 income streams generated by millions of members.

Want to get those income streams working for you? ...then get busy introducing Sqip to your world; it can only lead to all sorts of good things!

ABSOLUTELY NO INCOME IS GUARANTEED!! Sqip is NOT a "get rich quick" scheme.

Should I invest in SQIP "PEPs?"

Question: "Should I invest in SQIP PEPs?"

That's an excellent question.

Personally, because I really believe that Sqip has the real potential to become the next mega Internet success story, I am investing some money "every month" in Sqipcom, however, that's a personal decision you need to make yourself, or with your spouse if you're married and making any kind of investment they would feel uncomfortable with you making that decision alone.

My advice to anyone, is to always remember to never invest more than you can afford to lose, in ANY venture, not just shares of Sqip. If you feel uncomfortable investing in shares (beyond the 100 free ones), then don't. Or, wait until you have a comfort level to do so. Or, possibly invest a small amount that you feel would not hurt you if you never saw a return; such as $25, $50 or $100 monthly.

Remember...You do not have to spend a dime, or qualify in any way - to be able to earn commissions, dividends and shares in Sqipcom. (You heard that right). This way, virtually ANYBODY can earn money in Sqip. This Absolutely ROCKS! That's why I personally signed up 272 people in my first month. I think Sqip just could be the next MEGA Internet company and I don't want to look back and say, "If only I had..." Do you?


Is it safe to send "Towah" my passport info?

Today I was asked, "Is it safe sending your passport info to Towah?"

Here's my answer...

Well, I'm only an independent affiliate with SQIP, just like you so I cannot say it's 100% safe or not, however, after several discussions, both by phone and email with the CEO (Christian Fortune) of SQIPCOM, I feel very confident in him, his vision and his integrity and believe he would not trust his "baby" with just any banking company and would choose the best one he could find.

This would only make wise business sense since the goal is to sell SQIP (or do an IPO) within 24 months. If Sqip is what is appears to be (to me, a stellar Internet portal that virtually everyone online can benefit from, at zero cost to them), why in the world would he choose anything less than the best for SQIP? I sure would not.

All that to say, personally I think SQIP is for real, so I scanned and emailed Towah my passport.

Here is more information on Towah Group:

Towah Board of Directors:

You can also contact the Financial Services Authority (FSA) in the UK to verify that Towah is in fact registered and regulated by them. The FSA is a government body that regulates all financial companies in the UK.

If you feel uncomfortable, then wait until you do feel comfortable. Nobody's forcing you to do anything here. Certainly not me.

To our Mutual Success...

Nick Hetcher

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Interview with Christian Fortune, CEO of SQIPCOM

Hey again...

I think you'll find my interview with Christian Fortune, CEO and co-founder of SQIPCOM, very interesting and insightful. I found him a very passionate, transparent, visionary with a brilliant concept. Oh yeah, he's also got a good (Scotish) sense of humor. Please listen.

The Most Important Action You Can Take is...

Remember this if you remember ANYTHING about making a fortune (or even $500 a month) from Sqipcom or any home-based business for that matter…

The MOST important ACTION you can take is to…PROSPECT!!

If you want to make the “big” must reach a LOT of interested people over time with your message.

Do this SIMPLE action again and again and again. Then REPEAT!! Teach your team the same exact process. Keep your business this SIMPLE and easy to duplicate and it will work.


So, your key to Super Success is to.......PROSPECT, PROSPECT, PROSPECT!! Then you "must" also Follow Up. As many say, the "fortune is in the follow up."

To Our Mutual Success and Freedom...

Nick Hetcher

P.S. Here's a 114 page prospecting manual I wrote called, "Over 250 Ways to Find New Prospects," that will be very helpful to you and it's FREE. Read it here at my direct link:



I have used the short ad below in places like and (for FREE) and it brings me new Sqip sign ups every time I run it. It has helped me sign up 272 people "personally" in my first month.

Did YOU get your 100 FREE Shares of "SQIP" yet? (my Sqip referral link here) (Limited-Time)

Personally, my link sends them to my marketing page (here's a marketing page I made for you to use for free - It presents the SQIP biz opp and directs the prospect back to you to join up or to answer their questions), or directly to the Sqip website. (Make sure they have your contact info and Sqipcom referrer link)

Nick Hetcher

P.S. I have also used a longer email but it seems the shorter ones work pretty well.

How 3 people turn into 3,279 in 7 months

Hey again...

This powerful 6 minute audio message shows you the secret of how you (yes, YOU) can build a team of 3 "committed" people to over 3,279 in the next 7 months (no guarantees of course)…without any costly or special knowledge or marketing tools, just by following this very SIMPLE system.

This example goes thru 7 levels and Sqipcom pays 5 levels but it gives you the concept and power of how to turn a few into a Sqip Army. In a word...COMMITMENT!



Sqip Support

Welcome Audio (Overview for prospects)

My interview with Christian Fortune, CEO of SQIPCOM

Prospecting Manual (250 Ways to Find Prospects)

Sqipcom FAQs

Information on Towah Group
Towah Board of Directors
You can also contact the Financial Services Authority
(FSA) in the UK to verify that Towah is in fact registered
and regulated by them. The FSA is a government body
that regulates all financial companies in the UK.

Over "250 Ways" to Find New SQIPCOM Members...


I know what it's like to try and find new prospects for any home-based business.

It can be tough, unless you know what to do and where to look for them. It can also be expensive, but doesn't have to be.

So, I wrote a 114 page "prospecting" manual called, "Over 250 Ways to Find New Prospects."

In it you'll find old school and new school (social networking/web 2.0) ways to find "new blood" for your business. It works for any home-based or small business but is especially effective (if you actually use some of these methods), with the SQIP business model since it's not that hard to give-away 100 FREE Shares of this incredible company.

Here's the "direct" link to my (NO COST) manual that you can read online.

Happy Prospecting!!

Nick Hetcher (don't send spam, please)

SQIP "Marketing" website 4U2 use

Hey fellow SQIP-meister…

Sqip is “very” close to launching. Looks like this coming week.

So, you can simply use their services, and/or begin to get as
many people as you can to go get their 100 “free” shares, and
start earning money and more shares and dividends, fast.

I also interviewed the CEO of SQIP. I HIGHLY encourage
you to listen to all 38 minutes. It’s on the marketing page I
built for you to use. Listen today, it’s extremely insightful.

Send prospects here: and it refers
them back to you. (Don’t worry, there’s no cost)

Nick Hetcher
Like you, an independent Sqipmeister

P.S. In a month now, I have personally signed up 272 people,
making my 5 level team well over 1,000, and growing very fast.
As you will learn, INCOME from SQIPCOM is tied into “members”
and who can’t GIVE AWAY 100 FREE SHARES of SQIP??
You don’t even have to buy ANYTHING or QUALIFY to get
ALL commissions earned!!

YOU can make great things happen, too. My 114 page
prospecting manual, “Over 250 Ways to Find New Prospects,”
will help you. There’s no cost. Here’s the direct link:

No Income Guaranteed of course. So please do NOT
expect to do nothing and make money. That’s why we’re
giving you tools to help you build a business from home. :~)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

SQIP - The Next "Mega" Internet Success Story?

IMPORTANT NOTE: Following is the first blog post I put up to sign new people up for their 100 Free Shares of SQIP. If you came to this page thru Nick Hetcher's referral link, and have not signed up for your 100 Free shares of SQIP yet, you can do so (if they are still available) from my link below or thru my page at (If you came here somehow thru somebody else (NOT Nick Hetcher) and want to join SQIP, then you MUST get back to "the person who sent you here" and NOT Nick Hetcher. They get credit and we all still work together.


SQIP ( SQIPCOM ) - Could this be the next "mega" Internet success story?

(NOTE: Getting in EARLY, helped me build a worldwide team of 300,000 members in the past. So far, "this" opportunity looks "far" superior to me)

Listen to the SQIP Opportunity Audio >


Think of SQIP kind of like: Yahoo, Facebook, Linkedin, Skpye, Google, eBay, YouTube and MySpace all wrapped into one really cool package. Then add in a 6-pack of Red Bull. :~)

Disclaimer: Gee, that first line sounds like hype, hey? I'll bet it did get your attention though. Now, I have absolutely no idea if this company will be a huge success or a big fat flop. I'm pretty sure you don't either. As I write this in mid Feb. 2009, we just don't have enough information to make that call. If you are the skeptical person who thinks everything is a scam, or you are here just to throw mud at me, or you think this is some "get-rich-quick" scheme...PLEASE LEAVE NOW AND DO NOT TAKE ANY KIND OF ACTION WITH SQIP OR ME!! This is NOT for you. Not that it's a scam, I don't think it is. I just don't want to deal with any negative people. Life is too short. :~)

OK, let's move on now if you're open. If SQIP is the next big success story, or even somewhat successful, then many of us may stand to profit, some who work hard could potentially profit in a BIG way. (Note: Notice how I use words like; "if," "could" and "potentially" thru-out my communications? I do that so you don't feel like you're being "pitched," and I try to keep things upfront and believable).

After talking for about an hour recently to the CEO, Christian Fortune (who called me from Germany) about doing some voice-over work for SQIP, I learned some very interesting stuff about SQIP and decided to promote it.

I feel much more confident after that conversation, that this could possibly be the next great Internet success story. He appears to be very genuine and transparent, and told me he has assembled a team of top notch professionals to pull this off.

I thought you may want to know about this and at the least, check them out.

To start, SQIP is giving 100 FREE shares if you join "now" (at time of this update on 2/18/09), with no catches.

So, if that's all we did (collect the 100 shares), without having to give any personal or banking info. to the company, my thoughts are, what have I got to lose? So I did that. I even purchased a small amount of "extra" shares in SQIP (I never invest "more than I can afford to lose" in ANY opportunity and suggest you also heed that advice I learned long ago).

I think there is possibly a "lot" to gain for a small amount of my time.

Again, if you are uneasy about any of this kind of stuff, or you think this is a get-rich-quick" scheme (it's not) - then this opportunity is probably NOT for you (Please stop reading now, the rest will just sound like hype to you). :~)


Remember Yahoo in 1996?
Remember eBay in 1997?
Remember Google in 1998?

Imagine if you had grabbed some "shares" in the beginning!!!

Well...SQIP is a new (very powerful) Social Networking its Beginning.

Again, for a limited time you get a 100 shares free when you open your Zero cost SQIP account.

The sqip portal is “jam packed” with sites and features that are always no charge to use.

SQIP has developed some great partnerships to bring you the best in Web 2.0 and beyond. For example...SQIP Messenger has the same technology used by Skype, Yahoo, Google, AOL and many developed & licensed to them by a
company who took one look at SQIP & "partnered" with them. That company is Global IP and they made an announcement about this in online press the summer of 2008 (Google to find it if you want, I have seen it).

The information from SQIP is that they have some of the best designers, engineers, developers and creative thinkers working to bring us all something that will grow exponentially ...simply because it delivers the features, tools and possibilities that we want & need.

SQIP is built on partnerships, collaboration and win/win deals with companies around the world getting involved in making it happen.

GET THIS… SQIP wants to build a massive (no, they mean VERY MASSIVE) membership of users. This will drive up the value of the company (shares). So the more shares we own
(and there will be several ways to acquire them), the more we can potentially earn. They want to be in a position to sell the company within 24 months. From what I was told, we will
be able to sell shares even before they sell the company (from one of their websites). Plus, there are ways for us to earn money as well. And remember...with all of the social networking "tools" (FREE to use) SQIP has to offer us, we will be able to market virtually any small or home-based business we're involved with, MUCH better! (NO "adult" (porn) stuff will be allowed).


~ Unlimited no charge auctions and stores.

~ Biz networking- profile and find new business contacts.

~ Social Bookmarking with: tracking, multimedia, favorites, sharing,
feedback, etc.

~ Zero cost Dating: profile, in depth search, pictures, webcam, messaging,
live chat, favorites, fans, privacy protection.

~ Zero cost email accounts.

~ Selling B2B or B2C: no charge listings, catalogs, uploads, & more.

~ Sqip messenger will blow away the competition: IM, voice/video, etc.

~ Sqip Answers.

~ Back office: your referrals, stakeholder shares, & commissions.

~ Earn commissions on referral purchases 5 levels deep.

~ Sqips Towah Master Card.

I have nothing to lose by signing up, telling some friends, and waiting to see how things progress with SQIP. I did even buy a few (not a lot right now) shares also (besides the 100 free shares we get just for joining). If you agree with my thinking, you may want to join free and tell some friends. I’d advise NOT spending much (if any) money on "extra" shares yet, until you feel completely comfortable with what they are offering. Certainly never more than you can afford to lose (just being very cautious and safe). I am not making any income guarantees as at this time, I have absolutely no idea what will happen here. If you are skeptical, do NOT join.

For a very short time get 100 shares at NO Charge when you open your Zero cost SQIP account today. This is a Limited Time Offer, so do it NOW!!


To Join Free and Get Your 100 FREE Shares Now, Click:



Nick Hetcher
Independent SQIP Affiliate (my voice-over company) (The most fun "break" place online)

P.S. Update > Just sending 2 emails to a little more than a 1,000 people on my list, and doing some regular Tweets in Twitter, I have "personally" sponsored 204 people in my first 14 days. That has grown into "hundreds" in my 5 level team. That should give you some hope and encouragement to give this a try. What is SQIP becomes the next Internet giant? NOW is a good "time" to get started and at minimum get your 100 free shares and tell your friends.

I use a simple ad like > "Did YOU get Your 100 FREE Shares of "SQIP" yet? (no catches) YOURLINK." Then I send them to this page. Of course you would not send your prospects here, but you can either put up a free page like this or send them directly to your SQIP page. ACTION is key to any success!!

FREE BONUS: When you join me today, my 114 page manual, "Over 250 Ways To Find New Prospects" will be your (FREE) to help you build a worldwide membership under you fast. I'll give you my "direct" link so you don't have to get on my auto responder series. This powerful manual took me a lot of time to research and you can use the prospecting methods
in it to build SQIP and ANY other business you want. You can also offer my manual to attract prospects, but keep in mind that I have some "commercials" within it so your prospects would be getting "pitched" by me on mostly "marketing tools" to build any business, but I do promote a "coffee" home-based business I have been with for 5 years, in there too.

> AFTER YOU JOIN...look for a few important follow-up emails I'll send you. They may end up in your spam folder.

NOTE: No Income (as in ZERO) Guarantees Promised!!!

To Join Free and Get Your 100 FREE Shares Now, Click: